Francis Marion UniversityFrancis Marion UniversityOffice of Amissions | Francis Marion University | PO Box 100547 | Florence, SC 29501-0547

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Through off-campus sites, flexible scheduling, and non-traditional approaches and technologies, the University brings higher education opportunities to a variety of individuals for whom a traditional college schedule is not an option. Relying on the strengths and quality of Francis Marion University, innovative programs and delivery methods are designed to bring the University to the community.

By scheduling programs at area high schools and by working with South Carolina's technical colleges and area corporations, Francis Marion brings programs to those who cannot attend classes on campus.


Internship programs provide introductions to career options in professionally related work experiences in business, industry, government, or service agencies. Internships are offered by individual departments to allow students to gain practical work experience in a particular field while working on a degree. This work experience is usually unpaid and may offer academic credit if there is appropriate faculty supervision. Students generally work between eight and 12 hours a week while also taking other classes. Rules of eligibility and lists of companies offering internships can be obtained from departmental offices. Some departments require internships as part of the curriculum in certain disciplines.


Cooperative Education involves alternating periods of academic study (coursework within the major) and periods of related work with the participating Cooperative Education employer. Work periods normally take place during the sophomore and junior years and usually last one semester. To qualify for participation in the program, students must have successfully completed 30 semester hours of academic work and make formal application in the department overseeing the experience.

The work assignment is considered an integral part of the student's education. Each completed work period will appear on the student's transcript, but no academic credit is awarded for this experience. Normally the student will not be enrolled in any classes during the semester of the work experience. During the Cooperative Education program the student will be classified as full-time. Full-time status provides a way to address insurance, taxes, loans, and other concerns surrounding university status.

To enroll in the program, a student must obtain a form from the Director of Career Development, obtain approval from his/her department chair/dean, and return the completed form to the Director of Career Development.


The university encourages students to maximize their learning experience by studying abroad. FMU currently provides exchange programs in cooperation with universities in Australia, England, Germany, Mexico, New Zealand, and Switzerland. Plans to expand the exchange programs are under way. For more information about the Exchange Programs, contact the International Studies Coordinator at 843-661-1552.

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