704 Health Policy (3) S. This course is designed to provide students
with a conceptual and analytical understanding of health policymaking and politics.
Political and policymaking institutions and processes that affect the structure
and functioning of the U.S. health care system will be examined. Fundamental
concepts and issues associated with political decision making and the delivery
of health services will be explored, including the impact of constitutional
and other legal provisions, the activities of political parties and interest
groups, the involvement of health professional associations and client organizations,
and the relationships between economic factors and evolving health policymaking
patterns. W. Jones
705 Health Economics (3) F. This course is designed to provide students
with a conceptual and analytical understanding of health economics. Health care
systems in the United States will be examined from the perspective of supply,
cost and demand determination. Fundamental concepts and issues associated with
economic decision-making and selected economic issues will be explored through
the application of various socioeconomic concepts and behavioral models. Bradford
721 Health Care Delivery Systems (3) SU. This course is a systematic
approach to understanding the origin and evolution of the U.S. health care delivery
system. Topics include the history of medical care in the U.S., description
of the variety of health personnel and facilities that comprise the system,
including an investigation of selected contemporary health policy issues, public
health, mental health and alternative systems. Should be taken first semester.
729 Financial Management for Health Care Organizations (3) F. This course
introduces the student to selected financial management and corporate financial
topics. Specific topics include financial statement analysis, working capital
amangament, risk and rate of return, capital structure and leverage, capital
budgeting, stock and bond valuations. Prerequisite: HAP 726. Ward
735 Health Law and Risk Management (3) S. This course introduces the
student to legal concepts and issues related to health care management. Special
topics include liability, risk management, patient-provider relationships, fraud
and abuse, antitrust, and health legislation. This course will also examine
selected business law topics including agency and partnership, business corporations,
and joint ventures. Faculty
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