290 The Student, the School, and Community (2:1-3) (Corequisite: 299)
F, S, SU. Provides prospective teachers with current information about the community
and how its various cultural, societal, and economic components impact the school
system. A special focus is on career awareness and technological developments
in the workplace and how they impact professional educators.
299 Introduction to Education (2) (Corequisite: 290) F, S, SU. Introduces
the student to the profession of teaching and the roles and duties of a professional.
Education faculty and students beyond the introductory level will serve as mentors.
Class discussion includes the historical and philosophical roots of education
and the function of schools in a culturally diverse society.
300 Foundations of Instruction and Curriculum (4:3-2) (Prerequisites:
290 and 299) F, S, SU. Provides foundations in learning and motivation theory,
classroom management, and individual differences in students. Special emphasis
on cognitive functioning and classroom interaction as influenced by gender,
culture, community and socioeconomic status. Students are required to spend
several hours per week in the public schools observing and gathering data related
to classroom management, teaching strategies, and accommodating individual differences.
On-campus seminars focus on data presentation, reflection, and problem solving
as it relates to teaching and learning. Education 300 is prerequisite to all
education courses beyond the 310 level
303 Using Technology Effectively in the Classroom (2) F, S. A hands-on
approach for developing skills necessary to use instructional technology to
enhance classroom instruction. Practical applications of teaching resources
include use of computers, CD-ROM disks, laser discs, telecommunications, educational
television, motion pictures, slides, filmstrips, opaque and overhead projectors,
and multimedia.
488 Educational Measurement, Evaluation, and Testing (2) (Corequisites:
489, 490) F, S. Designed to develop an understanding of measurement, evaluation,
and testing techniques in education and skill in the construction of teacher-made
tests. Both informal and formal test interpretation is covered.
489 Student Teaching Seminar (1) (Corequisites: 488, 490) F, S. Emphasis
on preparation for student teaching, including an introduction to practical
use of the state-adopted assessment instrument, in-class student teaching demonstration,
and orientation to the role of student teacher.
490 Directed Teaching (12) (Corequisites: 488, 489) F, S. The student
will be placed in a classroom situation and work under the guidance of an experienced
classroom teacher as well as a university supervisor.
A student must be admitted to the Professional Education Program before enrolling
in any of these courses.
301 Teaching of Reading in the Elementary School (3) F, S, SU. Study
of reading as a growth process and a developmental task, to include the nature
of organizational patterns, materials, and approaches for meeting individual
needs in the elementary grades.
315 Child Behavior: Growth and Development (3) F, S, SU. Study of heredity
and environment: maturation, intelligence, achievement; classical conditioning;
operant conditioning and language acquisition; anxiety; and methodological advances
in child psychology. May not be applied to General Education Requirements (Sciences).
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