A student formerly enrolled at Francis Marion University who has
not been enrolled at Francis Marion University for three consecutive
calendar years may be readmitted under the Academic Renewal Policy.
The intent of this policy is to provide a renewed start for students
who experienced academic difficulty during their initial enrollment
at Francis Marion University.
All course work previously taken at Francis Marion University
by a student readmitted under the Academic Renewal Policy will
be treated as if it were transfer credit from another institution
for purposes of granting credit toward graduation from Francis
Marion University. The earlier courses, therefore, will not be
included in computing the student's grade point average. Only
those earlier courses in which a student earned a C or higher
may be counted toward fulfillment of graduation requirements.
All courses and grades, including those taken while previously
enrolled at Francis Marion University, will appear on the student's
transcript. Other institutions are likely to include all grades
and courses when calculating a student's grade point average for
such purposes as transfer or admission to graduate and professional
The Academic Renewal Policy is subject to the following stipulations:
1. A student may be readmitted under the Academic Renewal Policy
one time only.
2. A student seeking readmission under the Academic Renewal Policy
who has been enrolled at other institutions of higher education
since leaving Francis Marion University must be in good academic
standing at the institution most recently attended.
3. A student must seek academic renewal at the time of application
for readmission. Once academic renewal has been granted, the action
is irreversible.
4. A student readmitted under the Academic Renewal Policy will
be governed by the rules and regulations (including major, minor,
and general education requirements) in effect at Francis Marion
University at the time of readmission.
5. Readmission under the Academic Renewal Policy does not guarantee
acceptance into any program at Francis Marion University that
requires a specific grade point average. Admission to those programs
depends upon the policies of the particular academic schools or
departments involved.
6. Students admitted under the Academic Renewal Policy are automatically
placed on academic Probation 1.
7. A course completed, either successfully or unsuccessfully,
at Francis Marion University prior to academic renewal may not
be repeated at another institution for transfer credit to Francis
Marion University.
8. Following readmission under the Academic Renewal Policy, a
student must complete at least 36 semester hours at Francis Marion
University to be eligible for graduation.
9. All courses taken at Francis Marion University, including those
taken prior to academic renewal, will be counted when computing
eligibility for graduation with academic honors.
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