The Commission on Higher Education for the State of South Carolina
coordinates postsecondary education in public-supported institutions,
including policies and procedures for students and their course
credits transferring among these institutions. The Commission
has established transfer policies and procedures that all public
institutions must follow. These procedures are published below:
The Chief Transfer Officers at Francis Marion University are located
in the Office of the Registrar in Stokes Administration Building
room 118, 843-661-1175; FAX 843-661-1177. The officers administer
and coordinate the advising of transfer students. All students
may consult the College Transfer Credit Guide in this office.
For further information regarding transfer, students may access
on the Internet the Commission on Higher Education's Home Page
at http://www.che400.state.sc.us or Francis Marion University's
Home Page at http://www.fmarion.edu
1. The Statewide Articulation Agreement of 87 courses already
approved by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education
for transfer from two-to four-year public institutions shall be
applicable to all public institutions, including two-year institutions
and institutions within the same system. In instances where an
institution does not have synonymous courses to ones on this list,
it shall identify comparable courses or course categories for
acceptance of general education courses on the statewide list.
Admissions, Criteria, Course Grades, GPA's, Validations
2. All four-year public institutions shall issue annually in August
a transfer guide covering at least the following items:
A. The definition of a transfer student and requirements for
admission both to the institution and, if more selective,
requirements for admission to particular programs.
B. Limitations placed by the institution or its programs for
acceptance of standardized examinations (e.g., SAT, ACT) taken
more than a given time ago, for academic coursework taken
elsewhere, for coursework repeated due to failure, for
coursework taken at another institution while the student is
academically suspended at his/her home institution, and so
C. Institutional and, if more selective, programmatic maximums
course credits allowable in transfer.
D. Institutional procedures used to calculate student applicants'
GPA's for transfer admission. Such procedures shall describe
how nonstandard grades (withdrawal, withdrawal failing,
repeated course, etc.) are evaluated; and they shall also describe
whether all coursework taken prior to transfer or just
coursework deemed appropriate to the student's intended four-
year program of study is calculated for purposes of admission
the institution and/or programmatic major.
E. Lists of all courses accepted from each technical college
(including the 87 courses in the Statewide Articulation
Agreement) and the course equivalencies (including "free
elective" category) at the home institution for the courses
F. Lists of all articulation agreements with any public South
Carolina two-year or other institutions of higher education,
together with information about how interested parties can
access these agreements.
G. Lists of the institution's Transfer Officer(s) personnel together
with telephone and FAX numbers and office addresses.
H. Institutional policies related to "academic bankruptcy" (i.e.,
removing an entire transcript or parts thereof from a failed or
underachieving record after a period of years has passed) so that
re-entry into the four-year institution with course credit earned
in the interim elsewhere is done without regard to the student's
earlier record.
I. "Residency requirements" for the minimum number of hours
required to be earned at the institution for the degree.
3. Courses (individual courses, transfer blocks, statewide agreements)
covered within these procedures shall be transferable if the student
has completed the coursework with a "C" grade (2.0 on a 4.0 scale)
or above, but transfer of grades does not relieve the student
of the obligation to meet any GPA requirements or other admission
requirements of the institution or program to which application
has been made.
A. Any four-year institution which has institutional or program-
matic admissions requirements for transfer students with
cumulative grade point averages (GPAs) higher than 2.0 on a
4.0 scale shall apply such entrance requirements equally to
transfer students from regionally accredited South Carolina
public institutions regardless of whether students are transfer-
ring from a four-year or two-year institution.
B. Any multi-campus institution or system shall certify by letter
the Commission that all coursework at all of its campuses
applicable to a particular degree program of study is fully
acceptable in transfer to meet degree requirements in the same
degree program at any other of its campuses.
4. Any coursework (individual courses, transfer blocks, statewide
agreements) covered within these procedures shall be transferable
to any public institution without any additional fee and without
any further encumbrance such as a "verification instrument," or
any other stricture, notwithstanding any institutional or system
policy, procedure, or regulation to the contrary.
Transfer Blocks, Statewide Agreements, Completion of the AA/AS
5. The following Transfer Blocks/Statewide Agreements taken at
any two-year public institution in South Carolina shall be accepted
in their totality toward meeting baccalaureate degree requirements
at all four-year public institutions in relevant four-year degree
programs, as follows:
· Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences: Established curriculum
block of 46-48 semester hours
· Business Administration: Established curriculum block of 46-51
semester hours
· Engineering: Established curriculum block of 33 semester hours
· Science and Mathematics: Established curriculum block of 48-
51 semester hours
· Teacher education: Established curriculum block of 38-39 semester
hours for Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education students
only. Secondary education majors and students seeking certification
who are not majoring in teacher education should consult the
Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences or the Math and Science
transfer blocks, as relevant, to assure transferability of coursework.
· Nursing: By statewide agreement, at least 60 semester hours
shall be accepted by any public four-year institution toward the
baccalaureate completion program (BSN) from graduates of any South
Carolina public associate degree program in nursing (ADN), provided
that the program is accredited by the National League of Nursing
and that the graduate has successfully passed the National Licensure
Examination (NCLEX) and is a currently licensed Registered Nurse.
6. Any "unique" academic program not specifically or by extension
covered by one of the statewide transfer block/agreements listed
in number 4 above shall either create its own transfer block of
35 or more credit hours with the approval of CHE staff or shall
adopt either the Arts/Social Science/Humanities or the Science/Mathematics
block by September, 1996. The institution at which such program
is located shall inform the staff of the CHE and every institutional
president and vice president for academic affairs about this decision.
7. Any student who has completed either an Associate in Arts or
Associate in Science degree program at any public two-year South
Carolina institution which contains within it the total coursework
found in either the Arts/Social Sciences/Humanities Transfer Block
or the Math/Science Transfer Block shall automatically be entitled
to junior-level status at whatever public senior institution to
which the student might have been admitted.
Related Reports and Statewide Documents
8. All applicable recommendations found in the Commission's report
to the General Assembly on the School-to-Work Act (approved by
the Commission and transmitted to the General Assembly on July
6, 1995) are hereby incorporated into the procedures for transfer
of coursework among two- and four-year institutions.
9. The policy paper entitled State Policy on Transfer and Articulation,
as amended to reflect changes in the numbers of transfer blocks
and other Commission action since July 6, 1995, is hereby adopted
as the statewide policy for institutional good practice in the
sending and receiving of all course credits to be transferred.
Assurance of Quality
10. All claims from any public two- or four-year institution challenging
the effective preparation of any other public institution's coursework
for transfer purposes shall be evaluated and appropriate measures
shall be taken to reassure that the quality of the coursework
has been reviewed and approved on a timely basis by sending and
receiving institutions alike. This process of formal review shall
occur every four years through the staff of the Commission on
Higher Education, beginning with the approval of these procedures.
Statewide Publication and Distribution of Information on Transfer
11. The staff of the Commission of Higher Education shall print
and distribute copies of these procedures upon their acceptance
by the Commission. The staff shall also place this document and
the Appendices on the Commission's Home Page on the Internet under
the title "Transfer Policies."
12. By September 1 of each year, all public four-year institutions
shall on their own Home Page on the Internet under the title "Transfer
A. Print a copy of their entire document.
B. Print a copy of their entire transfer guide.
C. Provide to the staff of the Commission in satisfactory format
a copy of their entire transfer guide for placing on the Commission's
Home Page on the Internet.
13. By September 1 of each year, the staff of the State Board
for Technical and Comprehensive Education shall on its Home Page
on the Internet under the title "Transfer Policies":
A. Print a copy of this document.
B. Provide to the Commission staff in format suitable for placing
on the Commission's Home Page of the Internet a list of all articulation
agreements that each of the sixteen technical colleges has with
Public and other four-year institutions of higher education, together
with information about how interested parties can access those
14. Each two-year and four-year public institutional catalog shall
contain a section entitled "Transfer: State Policies and Procedures."
Such Section at minimum shall:
A. Publish these procedures in their entirety.
B. Designate a chief Transfer Officer at the institution who shall
· provide information and other appropriate support for students
considering transfer and recent transfer
· serve as a clearinghouse for information on issues of transfer
in the State of South Carolina
· provide definitive institutional rulings on transfer questions
for the institution's students under these procedures
· work closely with feeder institutions to assure ease in transfer
for their students
C. Designate other programmatic Transfer Officer(s) as the size
of the institution and the variety of its programs might warrant.
D. Refer interested parties to the institutional Transfer Guide.
E. Refer interested parties to the institution's and the Commission
on Higher Education's Home Page on the Internet for further information
regarding transfer.
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