The written institutional policy concerning the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (the Buckley Amendment) is housed
in the Registrar's Office. The University is restricted in the
release of certain student records without the prior written consent
of the student.
However, the University can release directory information that
includes such information as the student's name, address, telephone
number, etc., without the student's permission. A student who
does not want this information released must make a request in
writing to the Office of the Registrar within two weeks after
the first day of class. The request for nondisclosure must be
filed each term of enrollment.
Students have the right to inspect and review information contained
in their educational records. Students wishing to review their
records must make a written request to the Registrar listing the
item or items of interest. These records will be made available
within 45 days of the request.
Use of Social Security Number
The Privacy Act of 1974 (U.S. Public Law 93-579, Sect.7) requires
that we notify you that disclosure of your social security number
(SSN) is voluntary. But you should know that Francis Marion University
uses the SSN as your student identification number and all university
records are kept using this number for identification. The Swamp
Fox Web for Students (on-line registration) system requires you
to enter your SSN and a password for entry. If you do not wish
to disclose your SSN, you can apply for a special identification
number, in person in the Registrar's Office, Stokes Administration
Building, Room 118.
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