The Office of Provisional Programs serves students with diverse
levels of academic preparation and abilities by utilizing specialized
programs and support services to ensure academic success combined
with adequate and appropriate academic advising.
The academic adviser for each student is the program coordinator
who assists in the progressive planning and continued focus on
their chosen academic program.
Many students enter the University having decided on a major and/or
program of study. There are, however, those students who have
not decided on a major. This group of students is admitted as
undecided and is assisted by this office in being assigned to
an academic adviser within the College of Liberal Arts. Once a
student is enrolled and would like to change her/his major, the
student would need to visit the department of the new major. The
administrative assistant of the new major will assign an adviser
specific to the new major. The Office of Provisional Programs
is located in Room 112 of the Stokes Administration Building.
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