SEMESTER SYSTEM The University operates on the semester system
with a fall term scheduled from late August until early December
and a spring term from mid-January to early May. Courses meet
for 15 weeks during the semester, normally culminating in a final
examination period. Two commencements are held annually, one in
December and another in May. Students completing degree requirements
during summer terms may participate in December commencement exercises.
SUMMER SESSION The University operates a late spring term of
three weeks and two summer terms of approximately five weeks each.
Generally, students can earn a maximum of 15 semester hours of
credit in the full Summer Session. However, those students enrolled
in laboratory courses may earn as much as 18 semester hours of
credit. Courses are generally scheduled by most departments and
schools of the University. A special effort is made to offer courses
that meet the certification needs of public school teachers.
EVENING COURSES The University offers evening courses during
each semester and during summer sessions. Courses offered are
selected primarily on the basis of demand from those students
who cannot attend daytime classes. Evening courses are offered
on campus and at selected sites in the community.
OFF-CAMPUS COURSES The University offers courses in off-campus
locations where sufficient student demand warrants them. These
are regular University courses for students who cannot attend
classes on campus. On occasion the University offers credit courses
on a contract basis with an area school system.
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