A student admitted to Francis Marion University as a regular or
special student may elect to audit one or more courses provided
that he/she meets the course prerequisites or receives the approval
of the Registrar. Students who audit a course should adhere to
the class policies including attendance. Students who do not adhere
to the stated policies may be dropped from the course for not
attending. No credit is given for auditing.
Audited courses are considered part of the course load for a regular
student in determining overload approval but not when determining
whether a student is classified as full-time. Changes from audit
to credit are not permitted after the regular change of schedule
period has ended. Change from credit to audit is permitted after
the change of schedule period has ended only if the student is
doing passing work in the course and only upon the approval of
the Registrar.
Audited courses are charged at the same rate as courses taken
for credit.
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