Transcripts of students transferring from another institution
are evaluated in the Registrar's Office, and the results are provided
to the applicant. Determining the applicability of transferred
credits to major requirements is the responsibility of the Registrar's
Credit may be allowed for courses that are appropriate to the
curriculum in which the student is admitted. Courses passed with
a grade of D or its equivalent are not transferable and are not
used in computing a student's grade point average except for specific
courses taken in approved fourth-year cooperative programs. All
transfer credit must have been completed at a regionally accredited
institution. Transfer students are cautioned that a course, though
acceptable by transfer, may not necessarily be applicable to a
specific Francis Marion major, program, or degree. No more than
65 semester hours of credit may be accepted from institutions
accredited as junior colleges or two-year institutions.
In order to complete requirements for an undergraduate degree,
a transfer student must earn at least 36 semester hours of work
in residence at Francis Marion University (including a minimum
of three courses above 299 in the student's major).
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