A Francis Marion University student desiring to take courses at
some other institution either during the summer session or the
regular session and wishing to have courses transferred to Francis
Marion University to apply toward a degree must have in advance
the approval of his/her adviser or department chair or School
dean, as well as the Registrar, before registering for the courses.
Only those students who are in good academic standing (those with
cumulative GPAs of 2.0 or above) can be approved to take courses
at other institutions. No course specifically required in the
student's major may be taken at another institution without prior
approval of the department chair or School dean. Forms are available
in the Office of the Registrar.
It is the student's responsibility to have an official transcript
sent to the Office of the Registrar upon completion of the course(s)
but no later than one month prior to the date he/she is scheduled
to complete degree requirements. Grades earned at other institutions
will not be computed in the Francis Marion University GPA except
when determining whether the student can graduate with honors
and when taken in approved fourth-year cooperative programs. A
grade of C or higher must be earned for a course to transfer to
Francis Marion. A maximum of 30 semester hours in transient credit
may be accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the baccalaureate degree. The sum of the transient credit and
the transfer credit from junior colleges and two-year institutions
may not exceed 65 hours.
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