All prospective students must submit a completed application and
a $30 nonrefundable application fee. Students must also submit
official transcripts from high school and all colleges (if any)
attended. Appropriate test scores must also be submitted. Test
scores must be printed on the transcript or sent directly from
the testing agency.
Admission decisions at Francis Marion University are made on a
rolling basis, which means that as soon as a prospective student's
file is complete, he or she will be notified of their admission
status. If the prospective student is currently enrolled in high
school or another post-secondary institution, tentative admission
may be granted. A final decision will be made upon receipt of
final grades and/or proof of high school graduation. Students
are encouraged to apply at least six months prior to the intended
date of enrollment. Students must also be accepted to the University
before they will be considered for housing assignments or academic
scholarships. Withholding information or providing false information
to the university can result in a student's application being
rejected, admission rescinded, or dismissal from the university.
Acceptance is valid for one academic year, provided there is no
enrollment at another institution. If the admitted student enrolls
at another institution, he/she must reapply to FMU. Provisionally
admitted students who defer enrollment must reapply.
FMU accepts SAT and ACT test scores. The University also administers
an institutional SAT (ISAT) to incoming students who have not
taken the SAT in high school or who need to improve their scores.
Scores from the ISAT can be used only at FMU and cannot be transferred
elsewhere. The ISAT cannot be used to qualify for the LIFE scholarship.
The cost for the test is $35. Prospective students should call
the Office of Counseling and Testing to Schedule an appointment.
The university accepts credit for Advanced Placement, CLEP, International
Baccalaureate, and life experience. Please see the Academic Information
chapter in this catalog for more information about these programs.
Admissions categories and their specific requirements are listed
on the following pages.
The University reserves the right to make admission policy and
fee changes.
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