The following policies and procedures are of primary concern to
veterans, servicepersons, reservists, and other eligible persons
who receive VA Educational Assistance payments while enrolled
at the University.
Enrollment Certification Certification for benefits by the Veterans Affairs Assistant
is necessary in order for eligible veterans, servicepersons, reservists,
and dependents to receive educational assistance checks from the
Veterans Administration.
Generally, eligible VA students must have completed formal University
admission requirements and must be fully admitted into a degree
program before they request certification for VA payment. Students
should contact the University's Veterans Affairs Assistant in
the Office of the Registrar for specific information about requesting
VA payments for their course enrollment. The Veterans Administration
will make the final decision regarding approval of payments for
students in special admissions categories. Students are required
to inform Financial Assistance of the type and amount of any VA
To ensure receipt of benefits, eligible VA students must inform
the Veterans Affairs Assistant of their intention to register
for classes and supply the number of credit hours for which they
will enroll each semester. After the appropriate paperwork has
been submitted to the Veterans Affairs Assistant, it is then submitted
to the Veterans Administration Regional Office for processing
and, generally, payment.
Specific procedures and forms for application and enrollment certification
may be obtained from the University's Veterans Affairs Assistant.
Each student's request will be handled individually according
to the type of VA Education Assistance Program for which the student
is eligible and the student's enrollment status at the University.
All students receiving VA Educational Assistance payments from
the Veterans Administration are responsible for immediately notifying
the University's Veterans Affairs Assistant of any changes in
their degree program and/or their credit hour load during a semester,
to include changing degree program or major, dropping or adding
a course, withdrawing from school, or auditing a course. Generally,
the VA will not allow payment for courses not computed in a student's
GPA or not counted toward graduation requirements for a student's
degree program.
The University's Veterans Affairs Assistant is located in the
Office of the Registrar, Stokes Administration Building, 843-661-1172.
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