To complete registration and/or to maintain housing reservations,
students must pay any balance due, receive sufficient financial
assistance, or provide a combination by the following dates:
Fall 2004 |
Spring 2005 |
Preregistered students |
by Aug. 9, 2004 |
by Jan. 5, 2005 |
completing registration |
by noon |
and mail-in payments |
Housing students |
by Aug. 9, 2004 |
by Jan. 5, 2005 |
by noon |
Students who register on |
on the day of |
on the day of |
or after these dates |
registration |
registration |
All checks and money orders should be made payable to Francis
Marion University. Visa, Discover, and MasterCard may be used.
The University will impose a Check Return Fee of $30 for a check
drawn on a financial institution and returned.
All required fees must be paid on or before the specified date
or enrollment of the student will be cancelled. A student who
fails to resolve any other indebtedness to the University or to
any of its auxiliary agencies on the date such obligations are
due and payable may not be permitted to register for classes or
be issued a transcript.
A payment plan is available for eligible students. Applications
may be obtained from the Cashier's website (www.fmarion.edu/accounting).
Students are responsible for any collection costs, attorney fees,
or court costs on delinquent accounts.
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