Semester fees are refundable for full-time and part-time students
according to the following schedule:
Complete Withdrawal From the University
100% Withdrawal within seven calendar days of the first day of
90% Withdrawal between the end of the 100 percent refund period
and the end of the first 10 percent of the term
50% Withdrawal between the end of the 90 percent refund period
and the end of the first 25 percent of the term
25% Withdrawal between the end of the 50 percent refund period
and the end of the first 50 percent of the term
An administrative fee equal to five percent of the total fees
charged for the semester or $100, whichever is less, will be withheld
from the refund after the 100 percent refund period.
A special refund schedule for summer school is outlined in the
Summer Schedule published in early spring.
Refunds are computed from the date of official withdrawal from
the University. No refunds are made for full-time students dropping
courses and not withdrawing from the University, unless by dropping
courses a student's enrollment status drops below 10 hours. Fees
are refundable for part-time students officially dropping courses
without withdrawing from the University according to the following
Changes in Enrollment Status (below 10 hours)
100% Within seven calendar days of the first day of classes
50% Within 14 calendar days of the first day of classes
Certain fees are non-refundable and are so noted. Housing and
meal plan fees are generally non-refundable in accordance with
the Housing and Residence Life Contract and the Dining Services
Brochure. No refunds are allowed because of irregularity in attendance
of classes. Refunds are held pending the settlement in full of
all outstanding and current obligations payable to the University.
Students receiving financial assistance may be required to repay
an appropriate amount of the assistance advanced for the semester
of withdrawal.
Refund checks are held in the Cashier's Office for one week and
then are forwarded to the student's permanent home address.
Circumstances may warrant the assessment of a reinstatement fee
for the purpose of academic reinstatement.
Appeal Process An appeal process exists for students or parents who believe
that individual circumstances warrant exceptions from published
policy. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the University's
Withdrawal Appeals Committee. Address appeals to the Withdrawal
Appeals Committee, Office of the Registrar, Francis Marion University,
P.O. Box 100547, Florence, S. C. 29501-0547.
Financial Impact of Complete Withdrawal The return of Title IV Funds (Federal Student Financial Aid
Programs) was implemented at FMU the fall semester 2000. Federal
regulations require each educational institution to have a written
policy for the refund and repayment of federal aid received by
students who withdraw during a term for which payment has been
received. These policies are effective only if the student completely
terminated enrollment (i.e., cancels his/her registration, withdraws,
or is dismissed) or stops attending classes before completing
more than 60 percent of the enrollment period.
The amount of refund of fees for students who withdraw will be
calculated as outlined in the Refund Policy in this catalog, or
you may contact the Accounting or Financial Assistance offices
for details.
Repayment policy: The amount of Title IV aid that a student must
repay is determined via the Federal Formula for Return of Title
IV funds as specified in Section 484B of the Higher Education
Act. This law also specified the order of return of the Title
IV funds to the program from which they were awarded.
A repayment may be required when cash has been disbursed to a
student from financial aid funds in excess of the amount of aid
the student earned during the term.
The responsibility for returning unearned aid is allocated between
FMU and the student. The student will be billed for the amount
owed FMU resulting from the return of Title IV funds.
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