There are several programs offered that enable students to work
part-time in various departments on campus.
A limited number of Graduate Assistantships are available for students enrolled in graduate programs. For
more information, contact the appropriate director of graduate
studies in business, education, or psychology.
The Federal Work Study Program is a federal program designed to expand part-time employment
opportunities for students, particularly those from low-income
families who are in need of the earnings in order to pursue a
course of study. The awards made are not grants but maximum amounts
a student can earn while working for Francis Marion University.
Under this program, students may work a maximum of generally 20
hours per week while attending classes and 40 hours per week when
classes are not in session. Checks are issued semi-monthly.
Non-Work Study Student positions are available to a limited number of students. These
students are employed on a part-time basis by the various administrative
offices, and academic departments/schools. Positions normally
go to students with particular talents or skills that may be useful
to the University schools or departments. The intent is to develop
further the students' skills, creativity, sense of awareness,
and responsibility.
Students interested in on-campus work-assistance programs should
contact the Office of Financial Assistance. Information concerning
part-time off-campus employment is available from the Office of
Career Development.
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