A (Distinction) - indicates achievement of distinction and carries four quality
points per semester hour.
B+ - carries three and a half quality points per semester hour.
B (Acceptable) - indicates acceptable achievement and carries three quality
points per semester hour.
C+ - carries two and a half quality points per semester hour.
C (Marginal) - indicates marginal achievement and carries two quality points
per semester hour.
F (No Credit) - indicates unsatisfactory achievement or withdrawal with unsatisfactory
standing from the course after completion of one-third of the
course. Semester hours are included as work taken in computation
of grade point average. No quality points or credits are earned.
W (Withdrawal) - indicates withdrawal during the term without academic penalty.
Semester hours are not included as work taken in computation of
grade point average. No quality points or credits are earned.
IN (Incomplete) - indicates that a student has not completed the required work
in a course before its conclusion. Upon completion of the required
work and with the approval of the Department Chairperson or Dean,
the IN will be converted into an A, B+, B, C+, C, or F by the
professor. Semester hours are not included in work taken in computation
of grade point average until the IN is converted. All work must
be completed by the next semester's Reading Day (see the University
Calendar). If the student does not complete all required work
by the next semester's Reading Day, the IN will be converted to
an F.
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