Each student seeking the M.B.A. degree must complete the following
requirements and adhere to the stated policies:
1. The student must successfully complete the foundation material
requirement described earlier.
2. The student must successfully complete the 36 semester hours
required in the selected program.
a. Master of Business Administration degree:
ACTG 720 Financial Accounting Concepts and Problems (Spring)
ACTG 721 Accounting for Management Control (Fall)
MIS 777 Information Systems Management (Fall)
ECON 710 Managerial Economics (Spring)
ECON 720 The International Business Environment (Summer)
FIN 740 Financial Theory and Applications (Fall)
MGT 750 Management Theory and Applications (Summer)
MGT 755 Production Management (Spring)
MGT 758 Business Initiation and Entrepreneurship (Fall)
MGT 759 Strategic Management (Fall)
MGT 773 Management Science and Statistics for Business (Fall)
MKT 730 Marketing Theory and Applications (Spring)
b. Master of Business Administration degree with Concentration
in Health Management:
ACTG 721 Accounting for Management Control (Fall)
ECON 710 Managerial Economics (Spring)
FIN 740 Financial Theory and Applications (Fall)
MGT 759 Strategic Management (Fall)
MGT 773 Management Science and Statistics for Business (Fall)
MKT 730 Marketing Theory and Applications (Spring)
Health Management Courses
HAP 704 Health Policy (Spring)
HAP 705 Health Economics (Fall)
HAP 721 Health Care Delivery Systems (Summer)
HAP 729 Financial Management for Health Care Organizations (Fall)
HAP 735 Health Law and Risk Management (Spring)
Plus Three Hours of Electives
Although there is no required order for these courses, it is recommended
that students take Management 773 in the first or second semester
and take Management 759 in the last semester. The normal course
load of students working full-time is two courses each in the
fall and spring semesters and one course in the summer.
3. The student must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average
on all graduate courses applicable to the particular program and
a 3.0 grade point average for all graduate courses (see the exceptions
under Course Repetition and under Time Limit).
4. The student must pass a comprehensive final examination in
the last regular semester (fall or spring) of the student's program.
The examination will be administered by the director of the M.B.A.
Program. Students who are in their last semester should contact
the Director to determine the date and time of the examination.
The comprehensive exam consists of questions from each of the
12 graduate courses. The student must answer 10 of the 12 area
questions. A minimum passing average of 70 percent is required.
If a student does not attain a 70 percent average, the student
will be required to retake the examination in the areas of deficiency.
At the discretion of the faculty, if a student fails to meet minimum
standards, the student may be required to retake a course before
retaking the examination.
5. The student must successfully complete all steps and meet all
requirements as outlined for graduate students earlier.
6. The student should make application for graduation at the beginning
of the semester in which the last course(s) will be taken.
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