750 Management Theory and Applications (3) SU. The development of critical thinking related to planning,
implementing, and evaluating programs to utilize human and material
resources of the firm. Emphasis on application of ideas through
case studies, research papers, in-class exercises, and field projects.
International management strategies are reviewed.
755 Production Management (3) (Prerequisite: 773) S. Applications of systems analysis,
statistics, and management science techniques to the production/operations
function of businesses. Topics include forecasting, capacity planning
and location, aggregate planning, product design, inventory management,
scheduling of tasks and projects, quality assurance, and simulation
of productive systems. The course uses a combination of exercise
solving, term papers, and field projects.
758 Business Initiation and Entrepreneurship (3) F. Identifying economic needs and markets, establishing enterprises
to meet these needs, and strategies and tactics for competing
in both domestic and foreign markets.
759 Strategic Management (3) F. Applying concepts learned in accounting, economics, marketing,
finance, management, management science, and statistics through
case analysis. Focus on increasing analytical, synthesizing, communicative,
and evaluative skills in both individual and group problem-solving
contexts. Several cases on multinational firms introduce the international
773 Management Science and Statistics for Business (3) F. Theoretical foundations and applications of hypothesis
testing, simple linear regression, and multiple regression. Application
of models and techniques of management science, with emphasis
on linear programming and related topics. Use of computer software
to solve problems.
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