All full-time and part-time faculty teaching graduate courses
(other than Educational Professional Development, EDPD 525 courses)
will (a) hold the terminal degree in their disciplines or in unusual
cases have demonstrated exceptional scholarly or creative activity
or professional experience and do not hold the terminal degree,
(b) demonstrate scholarship appropriate for graduate instruction,
and (c) show evidence of professional characteristics appropriate
for graduate instruction. The graduate courses which they teach
must be in the field of their respective expertise. Credentials
of both annual and continuing graduate faculty are evaluated annually
by their respective department chairs. Deans make appropriate
recommendations regarding graduate faculty status to the Provost.
Faculty teaching Education 525 courses, which are workshop courses
designed to meet specific needs in a school system, do not necessarily
require that the faculty member hold the terminal degree, depending
on the nature and purpose of the specific 525 course.
Continuing Membership The Graduate Continuing Faculty is comprised of the President,
the Provost, the Deans of all Schools, the Chairpersons of all
Academic Departments, and all who hold at the University the rank
of Full Professor. It also is comprised of all with academic rank
who both regularly teach courses carrying graduate credit and
have been recommended by their respective department chairperson
or school dean and by the Graduate Advisory Committee to the Provost
and approved by the President. Each department or school has the
right to establish additional membership criteria which, once
approved by the President upon the recommendation of the Graduate
Advisory Committee and the Provost, must be met by the Graduate
Continuing Faculty in the respective department or school.
Annual Memberships Faculty members at any academic rank who have not been designated
as continuing members of the Graduate Faculty are members of the
Graduate Faculty during any academic year including the preceding
summer session in which they teach at least one course numbered
500 or above. Such members may participate fully in Graduate Faculty
meetings. The extent of their participation in department/school
graduate affairs is determined by the department/school concerned.
Functions Graduate Faculty meetings may be called at the recommendation
of the Graduate Advisory Committee, or a department/school, or
the Provost, or of the President. The Provost shall serve as the
regular presiding officer. The Graduate faculty reviews graduate
regulations and related academic matters brought to it.
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