Students are accepted to graduate study in psychology as either
graduate degree students or as graduate non-degree students. Graduate
non-degree students in psychology do not seek a master's degree
at Francis Marion University but wish to take courses only for
professional growth, personal enrichment, certification upgrade,
or recertification.
To be considered for admission as a graduate degree student, an
applicant must complete the following steps:
1. Submit a graduate application for admission and pay the non-refundable
graduate application fee.
2. Submit official transcript(s) of all undergraduate and graduate
work. Applicants must have earned an undergraduate degree from
a regionally accredited institution as evidenced by the official
transcript(s). The record should show promise of success as a
graduate student. If transcript(s) reveal(s) a lack of relevant
undergraduate training, completion of the following undergraduate
courses or their equivalents will be required prior to the application
being considered.
3. Submit scores on the Graduate Record Examination taken within
the last five years (minimum expected Verbal Score 400, minimum
expected Quantitative Score 400.) Only the General Test is required;
the Psychology Subject Test is not required.
4. Submit two letters of recommendation from professional associates
or former professors who can attest to the academic potential
of the applicant.
5. Submit a personal statement indicating your interests, career
goals and reasons for seeking admission to the Master in Applied
Psychology program
All of the above materials must be submitted in one packet to:
Graduate Office
Francis Marion University
Post Office Box 100547
Florence, SC 29501-0547
To be guaranteed timely consideration for acceptance into the
Master of Science in Applied Psychology program, all of the above
materials must be submitted by:
It is the applicant's responsibility to gather all materials to
complete his/her application. Only those completed (with all materials)
will be reviewed by the Graduate Committee for Admission.
To receive an application or for any questions, please call the
Graduate Office at (843) 661-1284.
To be considered for admission as a graduate non-degree student,
one must complete the following steps:
1. Submit a graduate application for admission and pay the non-refundable
graduate application fee.
2. Submit official transcript(s) of all undergraduate and graduate
3. Provide the department with a written statement specifying
the course(s) for which admission is being sought and why. Unless
part of a program of study previously approved, step 3 must be
repeated for each course.
A graduate non-degree student who wishes to become a graduate
degree student may apply toward the degree program only 12 hours
of graduate work taken as a graduate non-degree student. The written
recommendation of the student's adviser and the department chairperson
that these hours conform to an approved sequence in the student's
designated program must be obtained.
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