The Library serves the pursuit of excellence in teaching and learning
by providing Francis Marion's students, faculty, staff, and regional
citizens with access to scholarly information. By providing this
access, the Library is able to contribute uniquely to that portion
of the mission of Francis Marion University that stresses its
support of scholarly pursuits in the Pee Dee region of South Carolina.
Rogers Library is the largest library in northeastern South Carolina,
and its holdings include nearly 400,000 volumes, 1,600 current
periodicals, 500,000 microforms, and numerous electronic databases
to access information from almost anywhere.
Academic Computing Services provides information technology resources
and services for the instructional and research missions of the
University. Principally through the operations and development
of the Academic Computer Center and the campus network, the department
provides machine-readable content, access to that content, and
guidance for its use.
The Academic Computer Center is open to all enrolled students,
faculty, staff, and active alumni at FMU. Access to the laboratory
requires a valid University ID Card which is retained until completion
of the computing session. In addition, most academic departments
have their own student computer labs distributed across campus.
Students must supply their own diskettes for using most software
products. The most commonly used computer software is the Microsoft
(MS) Office suite (Word, Excel, Access, and Powerpoint), but other
specialized programs are available for use in the main computer
laboratory. The software and documents available are copyrighted
products and may not be reproduced, in part or in whole, for any
purpose. Netscape and Internet Explorer are available for web
Email for Students Email accounts are provided for all currently enrolled students.
Students are provided information about accessing email accounts
by visiting the Academic Computing Center.
The Cauthen Educational Media Center is dedicated to improving
teaching and learning opportunities by providing non-print resources,
technological support, and media-equipped teaching and conference
facilities for the faculty, students, and staff of Francis Marion
University. The Center supports the academic program by providing
study facilities and instructional space in the Resource Area,
supplying and maintaining media equipment, scheduling media-equipped
classrooms, providing production facilities, and hosting campus
and community activities. This facility contains two high-tech
distance learning classrooms featuring two-way audio and video
communications as well as the Ashpy Lowrimore Auditorium. The
Dooley planetarium is located on the second floor of the Media
The Department of Mathematics offers a mini-lab generally in the
afternoons Monday-Thursday for students enrolled in the Math Lab
(the self-paced mathematics courses). These self-paced courses
have two technology labs with both VCR tutorial tapes for all
courses and a computer-assisted tutorial program for the Math
105 and Math 111 courses.
The Department of Mathematics has created a computer lab for use
as a classroom and a student resource center for mathematical
work. These computers contain mathematics programs (MAPLE, MINITAB,
EXCEL, GEOMETER'S SKETCHPAD, etc.) to empower students in the
areas of mathematics and probability and statistics.
The FMU Writing Center is available to help all students improve
their current writing abilities and acquire the skills needed
to succeed at writing tasks in academic and professional communities.
English department faculty consultants and trained student consultants
provide one-to-one assistance on a wide range of writing tasks
and projects, including research papers for all disciplines, literary
analyses, creative writing, lab reports, resumes, business letters,
and graduate school applications. Students are invited to meet
with a consultant at any stage of the writing process for guidance
on generating a topic, building an argument, incorporating research,
revising a draft, or learning about grammatical errors. The Writing
Center encourages students to use writing as a means of personal
expression and as a tool for learning in and beyond the university
The Writing Center offers more than 40 hours of tutoring services
each week and several writing workshops each semester. Tutorials
are available by appointment or on a drop-in basis. To meet with
a tutor, please call 843-661-1528 or visit the Writing Center
in Founders Hall 114-C. Writing Center consultants are also available
in the evenings at the Tutoring Center, located in the Study Hall
of the Allard A. Allston Housing Office Complex.
Students are invited to visit the Writing Center's website for
more information and links to on-line writing resources: http://www.fmarion.edu/writing/.
The Tutoring Center is a free service available to all students.
Located in the Study Hall in the Allard A. Allston Housing Office
Complex, the Tutoring Center offers students the opportunity to
seek assistance in all academic areas from trained peer tutors.
Assistance is available to students on a walk-in basis from 3-9
p.m., Monday through Thursday, or by appointment (843-661-1675).
The Teaching Materials Center supports the Teacher Education Program
by providing a representative collection of curriculum materials.
The collection ranges from pre-kindergarten through high school
and contains materials that are current and appropriate for each
subject area, each grade level, and each professional program.
The comprehensiveness of this collection has been augmented by
the Materials Center having been designated as an official Public
Review Site for public school state-approved materials. Copies
of all materials considered for approval by the State Department
of Education are sent to the Center for review, and many of them
are included in the collection. This extensive collection allows
preservice teachers to create a broad range of lesson plans and
The Office of Career Development supports the educational goals
of the University mission statement by providing a comprehensive,
educational approach to career development and preparation as
a life skill. Specialized services, programs, and strategies are
designed and targeted for FMU students and alumni.
The Office of Career Development develops and maintains relationships
both internally (faculty and staff) and externally (business and
community) and plays an integral role in the activities of these
sources to facilitate the blending of academic, personal and career
development of students, while providing a link for students to
the world of work.
A state-of-the-art resume referral service is available to seniors
seeking full-time employment. The service includes resume postings
on the Francis Marion University Internet Resume Book and is linked
to a national job listing service - both available to employers
on the World Wide Web. The DISCOVER career guidance program and
other resources allow students to explore careers, research employers,
and develop the skills and tools needed to conduct successful
job searches. Job listings for part-time, summer, and experiential
learning opportunities are also available, in addition to career
workshops and "practice interviewing" opportunities.
Students are encouraged to start using these services during their
first year of enrollment to begin exploring their skills and interests
as they relate to specific career fields.
The Office of Counseling and Testing is responsible for meeting
the personal counseling needs of Francis Marion University students.
Professional counselors are available to help with personal, relationship,
or emotional issues with referrals made to community agencies
as needed. The office also coordinates the advanced-placement
testing program and administers several standardized tests utilized
in certification by graduate and professional schools. The Office
of Counseling and Testing serves as the focal point of academic
services for students with disabilities. All students with physical
or academic disabilities should contact the Office of Counseling
and Testing prior to registration at 843-673-9707.
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