Francis Marion University is committed to making programs and
activities available to qualified students with disabilities.
Francis Marion University makes efforts to ensure that the university
grounds, major buildings, and classes are accessible to individuals
with disabilities.
Services for students with disabilities include but may not be
limited to:
- Permits for reserved parking;
- Reserved parking spaces in all major parking lots;
- Coordination of academic accommodations for students with documented
physical, educational, psychological, or other disabilities.
The Director of Counseling and Testing coordinates services for
students with disabilities, assists students with disabilities
in determining reasonable accommodations on the basis of disability,
and acts as a liaison between students and faculty/administration
on concerns relating to appropriate accommodations for students
with disabilities. The Director of Counseling and Testing is also
available to meet with prospective students to discuss services
available at Francis Marion University.
Reasonable accommodations are available for students with physical
and learning disabilities. Appropriate documentation of each disability
is required in the form of psychological evaluations and/or medical
histories and should be provided to the Office of Counseling and
Testing at least two weeks prior to initial registration of classes.
The following services are provided to the groups of students
with disabilities listed below:
Learning Disability/ADD/ADHD The University attempts to make reasonable accommodations for
students with learning disabilities, ADD, or ADHD to help equalize
their chance for success. The following are examples of accommodations
that may be granted to students with such disabilities:
· extended time for examinations
· use of tape recorder in classroom
· extended time for in-class writing assignments
· notetakers
· readers
· alternate testing location
· priority registration
It is the student's responsibility to inform the Director of Counseling
and Testing of any need for services in adequate time to allow
for their arrangement.
The types of accommodations a student is eligible to receive,
on the basis of a learning disability, are determined on a case-by-case
basis by the student and the Director of Counseling and Testing.
Accommodations are based on the information contained in appropriate
documentation (preferably, up-to-date psycho-educational evaluation
not more than three years old), which the student is responsible
for providing. A Consent for the Release of Confidential Information
must be signed by students to inform professors of the accommodation(s)
the students may require. It is also necessary that the student
discuss with each professor how the student will receive the accommodation(s)
for which they may qualify.
Although the University is committed to providing academic accommodations
to students with learning disabilities, there is no specific program
for students with learning disabilities at the University. Students
with learning disabilities may find, however, that the support
services available to the general student population are also
useful to them. Tutorial services, the Writing Center, Mathematics
Lab, Peer Tutoring Laboratories, Career Development, the Office
of Provisional Programs, and the Office of Counseling and Testing
are some of the support services students with learning disabilities
students may find to be particularly helpful.
Visual Impairment Services available for students with visual impairments include:
· arrangements for taped books
· notetakers
· provision of readers for examinations
· priority registration
It is the student's responsibility to inform the Director of Counseling
and Testing of any need for services in adequate time to allow
for their arrangement. Visually impaired students may wish to
contact the Director of Counseling and Testing to arrange for
a tour of the campus, including building locations, classroom
locations, and pathways.
Hearing Impairment Services available for students with hearing impairments include:
· interpreters
· notetakers
· priority registration
It is the student's responsibility to inform the Director of Counseling
and Testing of any need for services in adequate time to allow
for their arrangement.
Physical Disabilities Services available to students with physical disabilities include:
· notetakers
· campus tours to determine the most accessible routes
· priority registration
· assistance in obtaining a reserved parking permit
· specially designed desks and chairs
The majority of the campus is accessible to the physically disabled.
Accessible routes are identified on the map in the Handbook for
Students with Disabilities.
Due Process When a student with a disability strongly feels that reasonable
accommodations have not been made, that student should seek resolution
within the administrative channels for the area in which accommodation
is in question. The student should first contact the Director
of Counseling and Testing if he or she is unhappy with his or
her accommodations. If a satisfactory outcome is not attained,
the student may request a meeting with the Vice President of Administration,
who is also the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator,
for recommendations towards a solution of the matter.
It is the policy of Francis Marion University to provide equal
educational and employment opportunity to all present and future
employees and students regardless of race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, age, or disability. Francis Marion University
is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
For Additional Information Students needing more information should contact the Director
of Counseling and Testing at the address below. If there is a
need for special assistance, it is the student's responsibility
to inform the Director of Counseling and Testing in sufficient
time (at least two weeks in advance of the start of classes) to
allow for the arrangement of services. Prospective students should
feel free to contact the Director of Counseling and Testing to
discuss services available at the University. Additional information
is available in the Handbook for Students with Disabilities available
from the Director of Counseling and Testing, 121 Evander Street,
Florence, SC 29506, 843-673-9707.
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