Upon enrollment, all full-time students automatically become members
of the Student Government Association, the organization that represents
all students in planning, organizing, and directing major campus
programs for the student body.
The Student Government Association provides an early experience
in self-government that serves as a useful background for later
public service. Because the University encourages student participation
in the affairs of the school, students are appointed to serve
on many university committees. Such students are nominated by
the Student Government Association Executive Council and the Office
of Student Development and appointed by the president of the University.
Leaders of Student Government work to represent the student body
as well as to develop pride in and loyalty to their alma mater.
An elected Executive Council and Legislative Assembly perform
most of the work of the Student Government Association. The Judicial
Council studies and rules on interpretations of the Student Government
Association Constitution and serves as part of the process for
disciplinary cases involving student behavior and conduct. Responsibility
for the maintenance of discipline is the joint responsibility
of the students, the faculty, and the administration.
The Student Government Association consists of three divisions:
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, composed of President, Vice President, Secretary,
and Treasurer.
STUDENT SENATE, composed of the Vice President of the Student Government Association
and 40 Senators elected at large. Ten senate seats are reserved
for freshmen.
JUDICIAL COUNCIL, composed of five members who are full-time students
and who have the grade point average required by the standard
procedures for the operations of the Student Government Association
as adopted by the Senate.
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