The University Programming Board is responsible for providing
a variety of events throughout the year for the student body of
FMU. UPB is comprised of student volunteers and advised by the
Coordinator of Student Life. Past events include concerts, performances
by comedians, dances, game shows, holiday activities, and festivals.
Additionally, UPB sponsors recent feature films on a regular basis.
All activities are open to FMU students, faculty, and staff members.
UPB meets weekly during the academic year and encourages all students
to get involved in selecting and planning upcoming events. Meetings
are held in the Smith University Center every Tuesday at 5 p.m.
during the academic year.
The Office of Student Development sponsors a number of special
events throughout the academic year, including Student Leadership
training, Homecoming/Spirit Week Activities, the Ms. FMU Pageant,
and the Student Life Awards.
Housing and Residence Life supports the University mission by
creating conditions in the residential system that foster student
learning, promote active engagement and collaboration with others
through mutual respect; motivate and inspire students to devote
time and energy to educationally purposeful activities both inside
and outside the classroom, encourage students to become lifelong
learners, promote understanding and appreciation for diversity
issues, and provide opportunities to attain leadership and community
living skills.
Three types of housing options exists, offering students appropriate
living opportunities as they progress through their academic career.
The residence hall complexes offer traditional student housing
geared toward new students with a community on every floor. The
University Village Apartments offer upper class students a higher
level of independence. The newly constructed Forest Villas complex
offers upper class students state-of-the-art amenities with the
convenience of living on-campus. Convenient to the Ervin Dining
Hall, the outdoor pool, computer labs, and the newly constructed
residential community center, the campus housing options at FMU
will meet student needs throughout their years on campus.
The mission of Campus Recreation Services is to enhance participants'
fitness and wellness, knowledge, personal skills, and enjoyment
by providing opportunities for a variety of activities that may
contribute to individual physical fitness and wellness; opportunities
for cooperative and competitive play activity in game and non-game
form; and access to quality facilities, equipment, and programs.
The Campus Recreation program has a variety of programming options
and is open to all students, faculty, and staff. The Intramural
Program provides an extensive competitive sports program for men
and women designed to offer a wide range of activities to meet
the needs and desires of the majority of the students. Competition
has been organized in several sports ranging from basketball and
flag football to table tennis and billiards.
The Smith University Center, in partnership with Campus Recreation
Services, offers a number of recreational and fitness activities
for students, faculty, and staff as well as meeting space for
groups and organizations. Activities available include basketball,
billiards, table tennis, racquetball, and swimming. The outdoor
recreational pool is open during late spring, summer, and early
fall when weather permits.
The Office of Multicultural Affairs serves as a liaison for Francis
Marion University and the University's students of color (including
African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic-American, and Native-American
students). The purpose of the office is to amplify the academic,
social, and cultural development of students of color through
counseling and programming.
The office plans and implements programming that facilitates diverse
student learning. Activities, including lectures, forums, and
cultural and social events, are open to students, faculty, and
The Coordinator of Multicultural Affairs serves as adviser to
the FMU Chapter of the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) and
works in cooperation with other organizations that represent students
of color to assist in fostering a student-centered learning environment
on campus.
The Office of International Student Affairs provides support to
students who are not citizens of the United States through a variety
of means, including personal support, opportunities for involvement,
and social activities for international students. The office also
provides information and support regarding immigration, foreign
work permits, health insurance, taxes, and general counseling.
Along with other academic and administrative offices, the Coordinator
for International Student Affairs assists with the International
Exchange programs. Additional information is available from the
International Student Affairs Coordinator at 843-661-1185.
Student publications are under the jurisdiction of a student-faculty-staff
Publications Board. No student publication may be distributed
on campus through University distribution facilities without the
approval of the Publications Board. Publications are supervised
by a staff coordinator who directs the activities of student writers
and assistants.
· The Patriot newspaper is published regularly for the students of Francis
Marion University. Students are encouraged to become involved
with The Patriot, which has a staff including student editors,
writers, photographers, and managers. A member of the FMU faculty
serves as the adviser to the student newspaper, which provides
not only a record of campus news and events but also an excellent
outlet for students seeking practical journalistic experience.
· The Snow Island Review is a campus literary journal featuring the work of FMU students
and is published on a semester basis.
Because intercollegiate athletic programs are recognized as valuable
assets in developing campus spirit, the University strives to
build a balanced, competitive athletic program. Teams compete
in baseball, men's and women's basketball, men's and women's cross
country, golf, men's and women's soccer, softball, men's and women's
tennis, men's and women's track and field, and volleyball. All
athletic teams are known as the Patriots and wear the colors red,
white, and blue.
The University is affiliated with the National Collegiate Athletic
Association (NCAA) Division II. Francis Marion University is also
a member of the Peach Belt Conference, competing in 12 intercollegiate
conference sports. These affiliations permit student athletes
to receive regional and national recognition for their accomplishments.
Several of the University's teams have advanced to NCAA post-season
competition over the last several years. FMU has been represented
by student-athletes in NCAA Division II Tournament competitions
every year since moving to NCAA membership in 1992. This includes
a pair of tennis (doubles) national titles and a men's golf national
championship in 2003; nine trips to the men's tennis tournament;
five appearances in the women's basketball and women's tennis
tournaments; three appearances in men's golf; two appearances
in women's soccer and baseball; and one in men's soccer and men's
basketball. FMU has twice won the Commissioner's Cup of the Peach
Belt Conference, indicative of having the best all-around program
in the league. FMU also ranks among the conference leaders in
the number of student-athletes named to the PBC Presidential Honor
Roll (3.0 GPA or B average).
The University Choral Program offers two choral performance groups:
the Concert Choir and Cut Time. Academic credit is given at the
rate of one hour per semester. A total of three semester hours
of credit may be applied toward graduation. Choral groups plan
several off-campus performances as well as performances on campus
for students, faculty, staff, and community. Additional information
is available from the Director of the Choral Program.
Francis Marion University offers three instrumental music performance
ensembles: Wind Symphony, Jazz Express, and Chamber Jazz Ensemble.
These are open to all students with experience on wind or percussion
instruments. Academic credit is given at the rate of one hour
per semester for each ensemble. A total of three semester hours
of credit may be applied toward graduation. Scholarships may be
available (if funded) for participation in ensembles. Additional
information about all ensembles is available from the Director
of Instrumental Activities.
The University Theatre presents three or four major and several
short experimental theatre productions involving approximately
150 students each year. Casts for the productions are selected
by open acting auditions. Backstage work is done by student volunteers.
Previous experience or training is not required to take part in
the University Theatre, and all interested students are encouraged
to participate.
Each year programs are presented for the University community
by outstanding artists and respected lecturers from a variety
of fields. Planning of these programs is assigned to the Artist
and Lecture Series Subcommittee composed of students and faculty
members. This committee and the University Programming Board provide
a broad range of offerings during the student's University experience.
Francis Marion University offers film showings free to the public.
The Artist & Lecture Series presents showings at 3:30 and 8 p.m.,
usually on the second and third Tuesday of each month. The English
Department presents showings at 3:30 and 8 p.m., usually on the
first and fourth Tuesday of each month. All films are shown in
the Ashpy Lowrimore Auditorium in the John K. Cauthen Educational
Media Center. Dates of film showings may vary. Please visit the
University website for the most up-to-date information.
The Department of Fine Arts sponsors the Art Gallery Series, hosting
varied shows of two and three dimensional works showcasing local
and regional artists. Exhibits change regularly throughout the
academic year. The mission of the art galleries program is to
present exhibitions that support and enhance the academic goals
of the visual arts program at Francis Marion University, providing
a non-profit institutional setting in the service of society for
educational purposes.
Art galleries are located in both the Hyman Fine Arts Center and
the Smith University Center. The University Center Gallery is
in the main commons area and is optimized for secure display of
large two-dimensional works. The Fine Arts Center Gallery features
large cases along glass walls, allowing three-dimensional works
to be displayed and viewed from the outdoor breezeway as well
as inside the lobby adjacent to the Fine Arts Theatre and Adele
Kassab Recital Hall. Gallery exhibits are free and open to the
public during the University's normal operating hours. A calendar
of art gallery exhibits can be found on the University website.
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