Francis Marion University prohibits the illegal and irresponsible
use of alcohol and other drugs. The University will enforce federal,
state, and local laws, as well as its own alcohol and drug policies.
Procedures that support these laws and policies have been instituted
and are strictly enforced. It is the responsibility of every member
of the University community to know the risks associated with
the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs and to assist the
University in creating an environment which promotes health-enhancing
attitudes and activities. Additional information about alcohol
and drug policies and procedures may be found in the FMU Student
Handbook, the FMU Staff Handbook and the FMU Faculty Handbook.
The use of alcoholic beverages on campus is not encouraged and
is prohibited with the following exceptions; (1) the private use
of alcohol within the Village Apartments by students of legal
drinking age (2) the provision of alcohol at certain events sponsored
by a University department, contracted organization, or campus
community organization upon approval by the appropriate university
official (see herein). Events must meet all criteria contained
herein. The use of alcoholic beverages within these two exceptions
is permitted only for those of legal drinking age (21 years of
age or older).
Francis Marion University prohibits the unlawful manufacture,
dispensation, possession, use or distribution of illegal drugs
and alcohol on its property or as a part of any of its activities
by faculty, staff or students regardless of permanent, full-time,
part-time or temporary status, pursuant to state and federal laws.
For appropriate events, the Provost or Vice President responsible
for approving the event will determine how, when, and where alcohol
may be used.
Statutes adopted by the State of South Carolina prohibit certain
activities regarding alcoholic beverages and drugs. The law provides
for certain penalties including fines up to $5,000 and incarceration
up to five years. Violations of the law also subject the offender
to administrative sanctions under the University's rules and regulations.
The following activities are unlawful:
- Purchase of alcoholic beverages on behalf of a minor.
- Purchase or possession of alcoholic beverages by a person under
21 years old.
- Presentation of false or improper identification in order to obtain
alcoholic beverages.
- Possession of an open container of beer, wine, or other alcoholic
beverage in a moving vehicle or in an area where such possession
has been prohibited.
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
- Selling, giving, or providing alcoholic beverages to a person
under 21 years old.
- Distribution, use or possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia.
Referrals or information about alcohol and drug problems are available
to any student, faculty, or staff member of Francis Marion. For
more information about these programs, contact the Office of Counseling
and Testing at 843-673-9707. Complete copies of the FMU Alcohol
and Drug Policy may be found in the student handbook or may be
obtained from the following offices: Student Affairs, Provost,
Community Relations, Administration/Human Resources, and Athletics.
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