Founded as a state college in 1970, Francis Marion University
adheres to the primary purpose of its establishment: to make available
to people of all ages and origins an excellent baccalaureate education
in the liberal arts and selected professional programs in business,
education, and nursing. Professional graduate programs at the
master's level are also offered in business, education, and psychology.
The University supports scholarly pursuits by students and faculty
in order to promote academic development and intellectual stimulation
and strives to provide the Pee Dee region of South Carolina with
a variety of educational and cultural enrichment services. In
order to continue to improve both quality and efficiency, Francis
Marion University engages in continuous evaluations of all its
As a dynamic, interactive, public regional comprehensive teaching
university, located near the growing community of Florence, Francis
Marion serves students who have a wide range of abilities and
preparations. We welcome and encourage students of all ethnic
and racial heritages and believe that the presence of a diverse
student body from throughout the state, country, and world enriches
the educational experience for all. Non-traditional, out-of-state,
and international students make up an increasing proportion of
our student population.
Francis Marion provides a student-centered learning experience
that fosters mutual respect and maintains high academic standards.
We emphasize an individualized approach to education through low
student-faculty ratios and personalized attention to academic
advising and career development. The University community contributes
to the social, cultural, moral, and physical development of students
as well as to their intellectual growth through both its academic
and student life programs. In addition, we offer special learning
experiences, such as University Life, the Honors program, internships,
and cooperative degree programs.
At Francis Marion University, we seek to provide students with
a foundation for lifelong learning and to help them develop skills
for professional careers in business, industry, government, public
service, and education as well as for more advanced study in professional
and graduate schools. To that end, we place major emphasis on
the quality of our faculty, staff, library, and educational support
Excellence in teaching and learning is our highest priority. The
University has a faculty of outstanding quality and diversity
and supports faculty development through scholarship and research,
continuing professional study, and participation in a wide range
of academic endeavors. Francis Marion faculty, staff, and students
are building a learning community that promotes understanding
of other cultures and prepares students to become successful citizens
in a rapidly changing world.
Francis Marion University offers programs of study that encourage
students to think critically and creatively, communicate clearly
and honestly, develop appreciation of aesthetic values, and be
concerned with the common good as well as their own interests.
Our educational goals are sustained by the liberal arts tradition
and seek to provide all baccalaureate degree students with the
following: proficiency in listening, reading, speaking, and writing,
proficiency in the use of quantitative skills and scientific method,
the ability to access and use information, an introductory level
of knowledge in a variety of disciplines in the Arts and Sciences,
an understanding and appreciation of the Western heritage and
cultures of the United States and the world, basic computer skills,
global awareness and tolerance for a diversity of ideas, a sense
of individual responsibility and ability to work cooperatively,
and a lifelong love for inquiry and learning.
Requirements for the bachelor's degree provide that students also
achieve expertise in a particular discipline, which includes the
ability to understand and apply the core concepts, principles,
and methodologies of that discipline. Students are also expected
to understand the relationships between their personal and professional
goals and the liberal arts.
Francis Marion University strives to be responsive to the changing
needs of the region by offering master's degrees in business,
education, and psychology and by providing cultural and athletic
events open to the community. Moreover, the University seeks to
serve as a catalyst for regional development. Faculty, staff members,
and advanced students consult with local businesses, industries,
and governmental agencies and render academic and practical assistance
to regional schools and other organizations. They also participate
in community activities, such as scientific, artistic, and literary
programs and are professionally active in many other ways in building
a better educated, more culturally enriched, and more prosperous
Francis Marion University, an institution of approximately 4,000
students, is small enough to provide individualized attention
to a diverse range of traditional and non-traditional students,
yet large enough to make available to students, staff, faculty,
and the regional community a broad variety of academic and cultural
resources. Thus, Francis Marion University combines the advantages
of a small liberal arts college with the resources of a public
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