The Department of Biology offers a liberal arts based baccalaureate
degree in biology. Studies are tailored to meet students' future
career needs, including pre-medical, pre-dental, and pre-veterinary
programs, preparation for graduate studies, or direct entry into
careers such as secondary teaching or environmental work. Minor
and collateral programs in biology are offered, and courses are
provided to support the collateral and minor in environmental
studies. A two-semester lecture and laboratory sequence supports
general education requirements. The department places a high value
on the laboratory and field component of the education of all
students. Superior students are encouraged to engage in research
projects, directly supervised by members of the faculty. In cooperative
programs with other universities, some students initiate study
at Francis Marion University in forestry or wildlife biology and
later transfer to Clemson University. The Department of Biology
also supports the MUSC satellite nursing program, chiefly through
introductory biology, anatomy, microbiology, and physiology courses.
Some graduate courses are offered to support the Master of Education
A major in biology requires the following:
1. Biology 105*, 106, 401, and 499
*Biology 103 and 104 may substitute for 105 with permission of
the department.
2. Biology 301 or 407
3. One course in plant biology (either 206, 207, 208, 303, 307,
310, or 313). Students may select only two courses from the BIOL
206, 207, 208 series.
4. One course in ecology (either 308, 402, 408, or 411)
5. Additional electives in biology to bring the total to 25 semester
hours above the 100 level
6. Minor/collateral requirements (two options)
a) two 12-hour collaterals approved by the faculty adviser
b) an 18-hour minor approved by the faculty adviser
Other requirements include Chemistry 101, 102, and 201 and either
Physics 200, 201 and 202 or Physics 215-216.
The minimum number of semester hours required in major courses
for a major in biology is 33. The minimum number of semester hours
in all courses (major and nonmajor) required for the major in
biology is 120.
To earn a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in biology, a student
must satisfy all requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree
and complete a foreign language through 202.
A minor in biology requires 18 hours of biology, no more than
eight of which are below the 199 level.
A collateral in biology requires 12 semester hours of biology,
no more than eight of which are below the 199 level.
Students planning graduate studies in biology are advised to complete
two semesters of organic chemistry, to take introductory courses
in calculus, to gain a reading knowledge of a foreign language,
and to take two semesters of Biology 497 (one credit hour of reading
and planning followed by two credit hours of research).
To advance to higher level biology courses, a student must earn
a grade of C or higher in each prerequisite biology course.
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