Coordinator: Dr. Allen E. Smith
Credit toward graduation will be granted only once in those courses
in Computer Science and in Management Information Systems that
carry identical course titles.
225 Modern Programming (3) (Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in CS 190 or permission
of school) F, S, SU. A continuing study of the concepts presented
in CS 190. Topics include problem solving, algorithm and program
development, data types and operations, objects and classes, arrays,
and event-driven programming.
327 Information Systems Fundamentals (3) (Prerequisite: Computer Science 150) F, S, SU. Study of basic
systems issues that concern the introduction of technology into
the firm and the management of technology-based systems in business
337 Business Systems Analysis and Design (3) (Prerequisite: 220 and 327) S. Study of systems integration,
the analysis of existing systems, and the design of new systems.
347 Business Data Communications (3) (Prerequisite: 327) F, SU. Analysis of technical and management
problems and issues associated with the use of data communication
technology in business.
377 E-Commerce I (3) (Prerequisite: CS 150, MIS 327 or permission of school) S.
A project course in which students will analyze, design, develop
and where possible implement a working information system to resolve
a real world problem. Students will manage the project and prepare
working documentation of the project management activities including
time management, resource management, PERT/CPM analysis and Cost/Benefit
analysis. In addition students will prepare documentation for
use and maintenance of the information system.
447 Data Base Management (3) (Prerequisite: 327) F. Advantages and disadvantages of a
DBMS, DASD concepts, applied data structures, data definition
language, data manipulation language, hierarchical data models,
relational data models, network data models, data base design,
operations in an on-line environment, data base administration,
and current trends.
457 Management Information Systems (3) (Prerequisite: 327, Management 351, Marketing 331, and Finance
341) F, S, SU. Analysis of problems in planning, developing, and
administering information systems in business organizations.
467 E-Commerce II (3) (Prerequisite: MIS 377) F, SU. 457 Management Information
Systems (3) (Prerequisite: 327, Management 351, Marketing 331,
and Finance 341) F, S, SU. A second course in electronic commerce
with a focus on strategic aspects of electronic commerce. Topics
covered include business to business and business to consumer
electronic commerce, Internet marketing, web design, electronic
payments and legal and ethical issues surrounding electronic commerce.
477 Special Topics in Information Systems (3) (Prerequisites: 337, 347, 447, 467) S. A project course in
which students will analyze, design, develop and where possible
implement a working information system to resolve a real world
problem. Students will manage the project and prepare working
documentation of the project management activities including time
management, resource management, PERT/CPM analysis and Cost/Benefit
analysis. In addition students will prepare documentation for
use and maintenance of the information system.
497 Special Studies (3) (2) (1) (Prerequisite: 377, 467, 477) S. Open only to Juniors
or Seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or higher in their major courses.
A maximum of 3 semester hours may be earned. All individual research
projects are reviewed by three faculty members from two different
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