Coordinator: Dr. Kay W. Lawrimore
331 Principles of Marketing (3) F, S, SU. Basic principles of marketing. Emphasis is placed
on consumer's role in marketing and on marketing environment.
The basic product, place, price, and promotion decisions are examined.
333 Marketing Research (3) (Prerequisite: 331 and Business 205) F. Research methods
and procedures in the marketing process; emphasis on the sources
of market data sampling, preparation of questionnaires, collection
and interpretation of data, and the relation of market research
to the policies and functions of the business enterprise.
334 Consumer Behavior (3) (Prerequisite: 331) F. Study of the consumer decision process
in the marketing context. Selected concepts from psychology, sociology,
anthropology, and other behavioral disciplines are analyzed to
develop the student's ability to understand and predict reactions
of consumers to marketing decisions.
335 International Marketing (3) (Prerequisite: 331) F, S. Focuses on the role of marketing
in today's global economy. Environmental differences among nations
will be discussed and emphasis will be placed on the modifications
of marketing thought and practices that these environmental differences
require. While these important differences will be discussed,
world markets where products are becoming standardized will also
be emphasized. Topics include corporate organization for international
marketing, the nature of marketing information and research in
the international arena, and the challenges facing managers who
must make international marketing decisions.
338 Personal Selling and Sales Management (3) (Prerequisite: 331 or permission of school) AS. Development
of an understanding and appreciation of the personal selling process.
Basic sales concepts, principles, and techniques are examined.
Personal selling skills are enhanced through discussions, role
playing, and sales presentations.
339 Marketing Communications (3) (Prerequisite: 331 or permission of school) SU. In-depth
examination of marketing communication tools as they relate to
marketing management. Particular topics to be covered include
attitude and persuasion strategies, advertising management, direct
marketing, and sales promotion.
430 Field Experience in Applied Marketing (1) As Needed. Exposes students to the latest developments in
the field of marketing. Emphasizes the role of a marketer as the
organization's decision maker. Provides the students with interaction
with professional business leaders and experience with the application
of marketing theory.
432 Marketing Management (3) (Prerequisite: 331 and 333 or permission of School) S This
course is designed to address the challenges of marketing in a
rapidly changing environment. Emphasis is placed on analyzing
the internal and external marketing environments to extract useful
information from raw marketing data. Students will learn to apply
knowledge and concepts of marketing, such as product differentiation,
market segmentation, and marketing research, in the development
of a marketing plan.
440 International Marketing Strategy (3) (Prerequisite: 335) S. Through the use of case analysis and
computer simulation, students experience firsthand the complexity
of making detailed marketing decisions in a competitively dynamic
environment. Students assume responsibility for making decisions
regarding prices, distribution, sales force management, and marketing
research allocations. Emphasis is placed on integrating marketing
research, corporate resources, and industry characteristics to
respond to today's problems and to anticipate future problems
and opportunities. Focus is on the global market.
497 Special Studies (3), (2), or (1) (Prerequisite: Permission of school) As Needed.
Open only to juniors or seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or higher in
their major courses. A maximum of 3 semester hours may be earned.
All individual research projects are reviewed by three faculty
members from two different disciplines.
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