A student's minor must be different than the subject area of the
student's major area of study.
A student may earn a minor in most of the subject areas offered
at Francis Marion University through the completion of 18 semester
hours. The specific course requirements for minors are found in
the department/school sections of this catalog. Specific minors
may be required for particular major programs. Students are expected
to declare a minor (if required) no later than the second semester
of their sophomore year. The minor requirement is waived for students
completing a double major unless a specific minor is required
for one of those majors.
All students must complete a minor of 18 semester hours or two
collaterals of 12 semester hours each as part of a degree program
at Francis Marion University. The only exceptions are programs
leading to the Bachelor of Business Administration degree; majors
in Art Education, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education
(although no minor is required for the Elementary Education major,
one collateral is required) and Physics; and double majors (unless
a specific minor or collateral is required for one of those majors).
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