A student's collateral must be different from the subject area
of the student's major area of study.
A student may earn a collateral in most subject areas offered
at Francis Marion University through the completion of 12 semester
hours. The specific course requirements for collaterals are found
in the department/school sections of this catalog. Specific collaterals
may be required for particular major programs. Students are expected
to declare a collateral (if required) no later than the second
semester of their sophomore year. The collateral requirement is
waived for students completing a double major unless a specific
collateral is required for one of those majors. Although no minor
is required for the Elementary Education major, one collateral
is required.
The minor and collateral requirement is waived for students completing
a double major unless a specific minor or collateral is required
for one of those majors. The double major will be listed on the
student's transcript, but only one diploma will be awarded.
A second baccalaureate degree may be earned after the first degree
has been awarded by an accredited institution. Students will be
considered as having met the general education requirements. Some
exceptions may occur due to outside accrediting agencies. Students
are required to meet with an academic adviser to review the requirements
for the major in which the student wishes to earn the second degree.
Second degree students must complete a minimum of 36 semester
hours in residence at Francis Marion University. Course requirements
for the second major must be satisfied.
Within some majors, specializations are offered allowing students
to plan a focused area of study. Described under degree programs,
the specializations are labeled either options, tracks, concentrations,
or specializations.
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