301 Contemporary Health Issues (3) F, S, SU. A study of information, attitudes, and behaviors
fundamental to healthy lifestyles. Emphasis is placed on contemporary
health issues including drug use, emotional health, human sexuality,
environmental health, nutrition and fitness, chronic and communicable
diseases, and consumer health. Required for secondary education
312 Health of the Young Child: Family, School, Community (3) (Prerequisite: EDUC 299 or permission of department chair)
S, SU. This course allows students to learn and reflect about,
discuss, and suggest strategies to address the health and safety
of young children. Course content includes children's "typical"
and "atypical" physical and socioemotional development. Required
for Early Childhood Education majors.
315 Health Education (3) (Prerequisite: EDUC 299 or permission of department chair)
F, S, SU. A course designed to acquaint students with the components
of a modern coordinated school health program. A study of principles,
practices, and procedures in health education including planning,
application, and evaluation of health instruction and programs.
Required for elementary education majors.
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