The following general education requirements apply to all secondary
certification programs. They also apply to early childhood and
elementary certification programs, with the exception of specific
requirements in mathematics as noted.
General education requirements for Art Education differ from this
list. Art Education majors should refer to the Art Education section
under Department of Fine Arts for specific general education requirements.
General Education |
51 hours |
Communications |
12 hours |
ENG 112 |
3 |
ENG 200 |
3 |
SPCO 101 |
3 |
Computer Science |
3 |
Social Sciences |
9 hours |
ANTH 200 or GEOG 101 |
3 |
POL 101 or 103 |
3 |
One course to be chosen from anthropology, eco- |
nomics, geography, political science, or sociology |
3 |
Humanities |
12 hours |
Literature (in any language) |
3 |
History |
3 |
ART 101 |
3 |
MU 101 |
3 |
Mathematics and/or Logic |
6 hours |
Credit toward graduation may not be earned in both MATH 180 and
105 or 111 or 112. Early childhood majors and elementary majors
are required to take MATH 170 and 270 to satisfy General Education
Requirements. |
Natural Sciences |
12 hours |
(Both biological and physical sciences must be |
represented; labs are required; psychology does NOT count as science
for teacher certification) |
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