101 Elementary Spanish I (3) F, S, SU. An introduction to listening, speaking, reading,
and writing in Spanish. Presentation of basic structures of the
language with an emphasis on oral comprehension and communication.
Includes work with audio visual enrichment materials and exposure
to important aspects of Hispanic culture.
102 Elementary Spanish II (3) (Prerequisite: 101) F, S, SU. Continued development of listening,
speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish. This course builds
on language proficiency and cultural knowledge acquired in Spanish
201 Intermediate Spanish I (3) (Prerequisite: 102) F, S, SU. Presentation of full range
of structures to complete a student's initial study of the grammatical
system with an emphasis on the development of speaking proficiency.
Further attention to Hispanic culture and continued use of audio-visual
and video technology.
202 Intermediate Spanish II (3) (Prerequisite: 201) F, S, SU. Reading and discussion of a
variety of literary and cultural texts in the target language.
Class activities and homework assignments promote oral proficiency,
grammatical accuracy, and improved writing skills. Occasional
work with audio-visual enrichment materials.
301 Grammar and Composition (3) (Prerequisite: 202) F. Class analysis of samples of different
types of writing and the drafting of student compositions which
model these samples. Effective writing strategies are discussed
and then incorporated into student writing. Grammar review when
appropriate for particular writing assignments.
302 Conversation (3) (Prerequisite: 202) S. The development of oral and listening
proficiency to handle practical, specific situations of everyday
life. A variety of class strategies are used to build proficiency,
which include, among others, role playing, discussions, mock debates,
and directed conversations.
303 Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Literature (3) (Prerequisite: 202). A transitional course designed to provide
a comprehensive introduction to critically reading and approaching
Hispanic literature in advanced courses. Through class discussions
of selected texts from a variety of genres, students should acquire
the skills necessary to read and analytically approach literary
works in Spanish.
304 Masterpieces of Hispanic Literature (3) (Prerequisite: 202) As Needed. In-depth study of masterpieces
of Hispanic literature from the Middle Ages of the 20th Century.
Class discussions in Spanish. May be taken twice for academic
credit with departmental approval.
306 Survey of Hispanic American Literature I (3) (Prerequisite: 202). A survey of important authors from the
Colonial period to Independence. Some indigenous pre-Columbian
literature will be studied. Emphasis will be on the early chronicles
and the Baroque period. Class discussions in Spanish.
307 Survey of Hispanic American Literature II (3) (Prerequisite: 202). A survey of important authors and works
from 1800 to contemporary times. Emphasis on Modernism and 20th
C. narrative. Class discussions in Spanish.
308 Civilization and Culture of Spain (3) (Prerequisite: 202). This course provides an historical and
cultural panorama of Spain. It includes, but is not limited to,
the following topics: history, geography, economy, fine arts,
religion, politics, customs, and traditions.
309 Civilization and Culture of Spanish America (3) (Prerequisite: 202). This course provides an historical and
cultural panorama of Spanish America and includes, but is not
limited to, the following topics: pre-Columbian civilizations,
history, geography, economy, fine arts, religion, politics, customs,
and traditions.
401 Survey of Peninsular Literature to 1700 (3) (Prerequisite: 202) F. Survey of works and authors in Peninsular
literature from its beginning to the end of the 17th Century.
Emphasis on the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Class discussions
in Spanish.
402 Survey of Peninsular Literature from 1700 (3) (Prerequisite: 202) S. Survey of important writers in Peninsular
literature from approximately 1700 to the present day. Emphasis
on the 19th C. novel, the Generation of '98, and 20th Century
literature. Class discussions in Spanish.
497 Special Studies (3), (2), or (1) (Prerequisite: Permission of department) As
Needed. Open only to juniors or seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or higher
in their major courses. A maximum of 3 semester hours may be earned.
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