Coordinator: Dr. Peter D. King
The courses that follow will assist a student in preparing for
enrollment in a school of veterinary medicine. After completion
of these courses at the University, a student transferring to
another four-year institution in South Carolina for courses in
animal science, dairy science, poultry science, animal nutrition,
and genetics could complete the minimum program for pre-veterinary
medicine. Some of these critical courses are available on-line.
Generally, applicants for a school of veterinary medicine are
screened according to scholastic rating. Students with the highest
average are given preference. Each student planning a career in
veterinary medicine must register with the Chairperson of the
Committee on Pre-medical Sciences (Department of Biology, Leatherman
Science Facility).
Minimum program for pre-veterinary students includes:
General chemistry 8 hours
Organic chemistry 8 hours
Physics 8 hours
Mathematics 6-9 hours
Biology 12 hours
English 12 hours
Social sciences 9 hours
63-66 semester hours
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