Coordinator: Dr. John A. Britton
The international studies program of Francis Marion University
is designed to introduce students to life in the global village
of the twenty-first century. The international studies program
provides students with an opportunity to develop a course of study
in consultation with faculty advisers that will prepare them for
meaningful participation in a challenging, complex, and increasingly
interconnected world. This program emphasizes individual student
initiative, the use of a variety of learning media, and the importance
of innovation and critical thinking. Reflecting the diversity
of the modern era, the international studies program employs several
approaches to the study of human endeavor in culture, business,
and politics throughout the regions and nations of the world with
instruction provided by faculty members in several different academic
disciplines. This program supports Francis Marion University's
announced mission to promote the understanding of other cultures
among students in order to help them become responsible, productive
citizens in a rapidly changing world.
A major in international studies requires the following:
1. At least 31 hours in international studies courses including:
a) International Studies 200 and 400
b) 9 to 12 hours in one of the seven concentrations listed below
with at least six hours in courses numbered 300 or above
c) 9 to 12 hours of additional work in any of the international
studies courses listed below with at least six hours in courses
numbers 300 or above
2. Minor/Collateral Requirements (two options)
a) two 12-hour collaterals approved by the faculty adviser
b) an 18-hour minor approved by the faculty adviser
3. The completion of 6 hours in a foreign language above the 299-level.
The six hours in foreign language courses numbered 300 or above
will count as part of the 31 hour international studies requirement.
A minor in international studies consists of 18 hours plus International
Studies 200. The student will select six to nine hours from one
of the seven concentrations and six to nine hours from the whole
range of courses listed under the international studies program.
At least six hours of these courses must be numbered 300 or above.
In addition each minor is required to take International Studies
400 for a total of nine hours in courses numbered 300 or above.
A collateral in international studies consists of 12 hours of
courses listed under the international studies program from at
least three disciplines.
It is strongly urged that students seeking a minor or a collateral
in International Studies complete at least 12 hours in a foreign
language, especially if they intend to apply for employment or
for graduate study in this field.
200 International Studies (1) Introductory survey of the basic concepts and scope of the
major including the perspectives of the various disciplines involved.
298-299 International Studies: Travel Seminars (3+3) Students may earn 3 hours credit for each of two approved
travel seminars conducted by FMU faculty or faculty from other
universities or colleges.
400 International Studies: Senior Project (3) Each international studies major will be required to take
this directed studies course with a faculty member in international
studies. This course will consist of a review of the student's
previous international studies course work and a major research
497 International Studies: Special Studies (3) (2) (1) (Permission of IS Committee required. Open only to
juniors and seniors with GPA of 3.0 or higher in their major courses.
A maximum of 3 semester hours may be earned.) All individual research
projects are reviewed by three faculty members from two different
Seven Areas of Concentration (for full course descriptions see the listings under the respective
departments and schools)
World Cultures
GEOG 101, Cultural Geography |
3 |
GEOG 102, World Regional Geography |
3 |
ANTH 200, Introduction to Anthropology |
3 |
ARTH 221, History of Western Art: |
Renaissance through Modern |
3 |
ARTH 390, Twentieth Century Art |
3 |
ARTH 400, Contemporary Art Since 1980 |
3 |
SOC 310, Racial and Cultural Minorities |
3 |
SOC 419, Population and Society |
3 |
SOC 440, Social Change |
3 |
ENG 314, World Literature |
3 |
ENG 322, Mythology and Literature |
3 |
ENG 350, Introduction to the Study of Cinema |
3 |
HIST 205, Introduction to Modern World History |
3 |
Global Economics and Business |
ECON 325, International Economics |
3 |
ECON 340, Environmental and |
Natural Resource Economics |
3 |
ECON 405, Development of Economic Thought |
3 |
MKT 335, International Marketing |
3 |
MGT 357, International Management |
3 |
GEOG 201, Economic Geography |
3 |
World Politics |
POL 203, International Relations |
3 |
POL 304, Comparative Government |
3 |
POL 314, United States Foreign Policy |
3 |
GEOG (POL SCI) 204, Political Geography |
3 |
HIST 307, United States in World Affairs |
3 |
HIST 329, Europe in the Era of the World Wars |
3 |
HIST 330, Europe and the World since 1945 |
3 |
Africa and the Middle East |
ARTH 360, Islamic and African Art |
3 |
POL 325, African Politics |
3 |
POL 327, Middle Eastern Politics |
3 |
GEOG 306, Subsaharan Africa |
3 |
GEOG 307, Middle East and North Africa |
3 |
PRS 311, The Muslim Experience |
3 |
HIST 205, Introduction to Modern World History |
3 |
Asia |
ARTH 370, East Asian Art |
3 |
HIST 205, Introduction to Modern World History |
3 |
HIST 324, Traditional East Asia |
3 |
HIST 341, Modern China |
3 |
HIST 342, Modern Japan |
3 |
PRS 300, Religions of the East |
3 |
GEOG 304, Asia |
3 |
POL 324, Asian Politics |
3 |
Europe |
ARTH 380, Nineteenth Century Art |
3 |
HIST 308, Russia and Eastern Europe |
3 |
HIST 309, Europe in the Nineteenth Century |
3 |
HIST 320, Modern Germany |
3 |
HIST 329, Europe in the Era of the World Wars |
3 |
HIST 330, Europe and the World Since 1945 |
3 |
GEOG 302, Europe |
3 |
POL 328, East European Politics |
3 |
Latin America |
ARTH 350, Native Art of the Americas |
3 |
HIST 205, Introduction to Modern World History |
3 |
HIST 305, Empires and Nations in Latin America |
3 |
HIST 306, Tradition and Change in Latin America |
3 |
HIST 340, History of Modern Mexico |
3 |
GEOG 303, South America |
3 |
GEOG 305, Central America |
3 |
POL 326, Latin American Politics |
3 |
SPAN 305, Spanish Civilization |
3 |
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