Coordinator: Dr. David M. Peterson
Students pursuing a major in physics can select a concentration
in Computational Physics or a concentration in Health Physics.
A. Computational Physics Concentration
A concentration in computational physics requires completion of:
1. Physics 200, 201, 202, 301, 302, 306, 314, 401,
406, 419 and 420
2. Mathematics 201, 202, 203, 301, and 306
3. Chemistry 101 and 102
4. Computer Science 212 and 226
In addition to these courses, Mathematics 304, Computer Science
425, Physics 310, Mathematics 312, and Physics 316 are highly
No additional minor or collateral is required.
The minimum number of semester hours required in physics courses
for the computational physics concentration is 32. The minimum
number of semester hours in all courses (major and nonmajor) required
for a computational physics concentration is 120. Students desiring
to take additional hours in physics are strongly encouraged to
do so.
B. Health Physics Concentration
A concentration in health physics requires completion of
1. Physics 200, 201, 202, 310, 314, 316, 415, 416, 417, and 419
2. Biology 105, 106 and one course selected from Biology 301,
401, 402, or 406
3. Mathematics 111, 112, 201, 202, 203, 301, and 306
4. Chemistry 101, 102, 201, 203, and 303
5. Computer Science 212 and one course selected from Computer
Science 150 or 190
In addition to the course requirements above, the student majoring
in health physics is required to complete one summer of supervised
training at a previously approved, professionally related site
off campus. No additional minor or collateral is required.
The minimum number of semester hours required in physics courses
for a health physics concentration is 36. The minimum number of
semester hours in all courses (major and nonmajor) required for
the health physics concentration is 124. Students desiring to
take additional hours in physics are strongly encouraged to do
A minor in physics requires 18 semester hours, including Physics
200, 201, and 202.
A collateral in physics requires 12 semester hours, including
Physics 200, 201, and 202 or 215 and 216.
Credit toward graduation may not be earned in both Physical Science
101-102 and any physics course.
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