Coordinator: Dr. Neal D. Thigpen
General Track: A major in political science requires the following:
1. POL 101, 103, 295, and 395 and 24 semester hours of additional
course work which must include at least two courses from each
of the following groups:
American Politics: POL 201, 202, 206, 215, 230, 305, 311, 317,
319, 321, 322, 340
Comparative Politics/International Relations: POL 203, 205, 301,
314, 315, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 341
2. Minor/collateral requirements (two options)
a) two 12-hour collaterals approved by the faculty
b) an 18-hour minor approved by the faculty adviser
The minimum number of semester hours required in major courses
is 36. The minimum number of semester hours in all courses (major
and non-major) required for a major in political science is 120.
Optional Track: A major in political science with a concentration in criminal
justice requires the following:
1. POL 101, 103, 295, and 395
2. Eighteen hours of criminal justice course work distributed
as follows:
Six hours of core courses:
POL 230 (Introduction to Criminal Justice)
SOC 341 (Criminology)
Nine hours of political science:
POL 322 (Civil Rights and Civil Liberties)
POL 330 (Perspectives on Policing)
POL 331 (Administration of Justice)
Three hours of sociology selected from:
SOC 342 (Social Deviance)
SOC 343 (Juvenile Delinquency)
SOC 344 (Violence in Society)
3. Six hours of additional course work in political science
The minimum number of semester hours required in major courses
is 36. The minimum number of semester hours in all courses (major
and non-major) required for a major in political science is 120.
A minor in political science requires 18 semester hours, including
POL 101 and 103.
A collateral in political science requires 12 semester hours,
including POL 101 or 103.
Students wishing to enroll in political science 477, 487, or 497
should confer with the department chairman.
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