A (Distinction)
A grade of A indicates achievement of distinction and carries
four quality points per semester hour.
A grade of B+ carries three and a half quality points per semester
B (Above average)
A grade of B indicates above-average achievement and carries three
quality points per semester hour.
A grade of C+ carries two and a half quality points per semester
C (Average)
A grade of C indicates average achievement and carries two quality
points per semester hour.
A grade of D+ carries one and a half quality points per semester
D (Below average)
A grade of D indicates below-average achievement but acceptable
credit toward graduation and carries one quality point per semester
F (No Credit)
A grade of F indicates unsatisfactory achievement or withdrawal
from the course after completion of one-third of the course without
passing grades. Semester hours are included as work taken in computation
of grade point average. No quality points or credits are earned.
IN (Incomplete)
IN is given a student who for an acceptable reason is allowed
to postpone beyond the end of the semester or term the completion
of some part of a course requirement. Approval by the department
chair or dean is required. The designation of IN is not computed
in the grade point average. If the IN is not replaced by a permanent
grade by the end of the next semester or summer term in which
the IN was given, the designation of IN will automatically become
a grade of F. The grade of IN may not serve as a prerequisite
for sequenced courses.
W (Withdrew)
W indicates that a course was dropped with permission prior to
completion of one-third of the course or that a course was dropped
with a passing grade after completion of one-third of the course.
It is not included as semester hours taken in computation of grade
point average.
CO (Continuing)
CO is reserved for students who at the end of the semester have
not completed all their work in self-paced mathematics, French,
English 111 courses, and/or Honors 491-99. This grade is not computed
in determining grade point average; however, these hours are included
in the gross hours attempted and therefore are used to determine
eligibility to stay in school. Under penalty of F, students must
enroll the next semester in those courses in which CO was earned.
Students will not be allowed to receive the CO grade more than
once in the same course.
S (Satisfactory)
S indicates average or better than average achievement in certain
courses which are graded on an S-U (Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory)
basis only. Such courses are not included in computation of grade
point average.
U (Unsatisfactory)
U indicates unsatisfactory achievement in certain courses graded
on an S-U (Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory) basis only. No credit
is earned.
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