It is recognized that the costs of higher education are a significant
addition to one's budget. The mission of the Financial Assistance
Office is to provide access and retention opportunities for students
choosing to pursue a course of study at Francis Marion University.
This is met by (1) providing information services to prospective
students and their families, (2) assisting students and their
families in the financial assistance application process, (3)
determining eligibility for assistance and making financial assistance
awards, and (4) facilitating the timely delivery of financial
assistance proceeds to students.
Student financial assistance programs are administered according
to a nationally accepted policy that the student and his or her
parents are responsible for the student's educational expenses.
Therefore, eligibility for financial assistance will be based
on a comparison of educational expenses for the period of attendance
and what the student's family can reasonably be expected to contribute
as determined by the FAFSA.
General program descriptions and application information follow.
More detailed information is available by contacting the Office
of Financial Assistance at 843-661-1190 or by visiting our website
at http://www.fmarion.edu/finasst.
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