Dean: Dr. J. Ron Faulkenberry
Faculty: Askins, Bausmith, Duckett, Dye, Faulkenberry, Figa, Harris,
Hutchings, Lee, Madden, McCuaig, McWayne, Pawloski, Pruitt, T.
Sawyer, S. Taylor, B. Thayer
Francis Marion University's School of Education, where teaching
and learning are the highest priorities, prepares professional
educators in the Pee Dee region and beyond, for a rapidly changing,
complex, and diverse society through the acquisition of knowledge,
and the processes of reflection, assessment, collaboration, and
critical thinking.
School of Education
Conceptual Framework
The School of Education prepares professional educators for a
rapidly changing and complex society.
As they grow as professional educators, students must: (1) acquire
knowledge about learners, pedagogy, and content; (2) use reflection as they integrate theory, planning, and practice; and (3) engage
in collaboration as they develop and hone communication and leadership skills
necessary to work with diverse populations of students, parents,
colleagues, and community members. Interwoven in these components
are critical thinking, assessment, and the effective use of technology.
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